College Admission Advisors, LLC

Strategic Individual Counseling for College-bound Students

About image
With the national average of students to high school guidance counselors at 350:1, school-based counselors are overburdened. Many students and parents want a more individual approach and professional expertise to help them navigate the increasingly competitive and complicated college admissions process.

Our individual counseling and extensive behind the scenes research equips students with the best possible information and strategies. We also utilize a proprietary system for organizing college admissions information, our “Blueprint for Success”. This system includes an array of custom tools and resources to help students evaluate schools, plan testing schedules, showcase talents, meet critical application deadlines and apply for financial aid.

College Admission Advisors’ counselors hold Master of Education degrees, have done advanced graduate work in College Admissions Counseling from UCLA, and have worked in college admissions. To date, we have visited more than 150 colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada and Europe.

Feel free to call us about our services at 401-524-0660, or email
Cristiana Quinn has been an independent college admission advisor for more than 15 years. To date, she has worked with more than 500 students and visited over 150 colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Cristiana is a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling and the New England Association for College Admission Counseling. She graduated from the Wheeler School in Providence RI, holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Vermont where she is a member of the UVM Foundation Leadership Council. She also holds a Master's in Education from the University of Massachusetts and completed the coursework for a Certificate in College Counseling from UCLA.
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Freshmen and Sophomores

Our consultations with freshmen and sophomores focus on helping students plan their high school course selections and extracurricular activities. Academic advising ensures that students select the right courses, so that they have a strong academic transcript. Extra curricular advising focuses on helping students select interesting and broadening programs to enrich their personal development. We explain the various steps involved in the college admissions process and timeline, so that students and parents have an understanding of what to expect. Several meetings as a freshman and sophomore can ensure that students take advantage of opportunities that will best position them as a strong candidate in the college admissions process later in high school.

Juniors and Seniors

We provide individualized support that includes:

Expert guidance in choosing the right colleges for you
Assistance writing unique and powerful college essays
Advice in selecting individual attributes to highlight in the admissions process
Interview practice and techniques to improve your interpersonal skills

Academic Assessment:

The student’s academic transcript, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities and future goals are discussed. An in-depth conversation with the student then takes place regarding past, present and future academic and extracurricular interests. Suggestions are made on how the student can maximize their high school experience both academically and personally. Holland career testing can be administered for students who wish to explore potential college majors and career options that may suit their personality.

College Search:

Specific selection criteria that the student is looking for in a college (size, location, majors, campus characteristics, cost, student body culture, extracurricular activities, etc.) are examined and an initial college list is formulated. The student is then guided through a systematic process and series of meetings to narrow the list to its final form by the Fall of Senior year. Advice is provided to determine if Early Decision/Early Action programs are the right choice for the student. A specific timeline and plan are provided to ensure that all applications and supporting materials are completed before deadlines.

College Visits:

We help students and parents plan college visits, and we supply evaluation tools so that you can track and compare schools over the course of your visits. We provide you with a list of questions to ask, and places on campus to visit so that you can get unbiased information outside of the college tour. We can also help you contact department heads or extracurricular organizations, so that you can learn more about that area of the college during your visit.

Financial Aid:

The different sources and types of aid are reviewed (loans, grants, scholarships). Deadlines, necessary documentation and special circumstances and reviewed. If packages differ substantially at the time of acceptance, we will advise you on how to appeal for additional funds if needed.

Brag Sheet:

Students with special talents: musicians, athletes, dancers, actors, mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists, etc., often require additional materials be sent to prospective colleges. Individual requirements and timelines for auditions and/or additional application materials are reviewed with students.


Together with your counselor, you will brainstorm essay topics and formulate ideas that will help convey who you are to the admissions committee. We will assist you with ongoing revisions, and we will give you detailed suggestions for editing content, grammar and vocabulary. We will help you highlight your unique attributes, character and interests with a strong essay.


We provide only comprehensive college advising, not hourly or for certain pieces of admissions. After 17 years in business, we firmly believe that overseeing the entire process best serves our families and produces the most favorable results. Our fee is $7500 and typically broken into 3 payments of $2500 over the course of your time with us. Unlike many counseling firms, we do not limit the number of hours or applications a student can complete for this price. On average, we spend 40-50 hours on each student, from enrollment in our program to choosing a college. 

A small number of Senior Crunch Packages may be offered (beginning after June 1 of junior year), priced at $3,750 for 15 hours, $2750 for 10 hours, or $1500 for 5 hours. These packages can focus on any of the following: assessing the student's profile and rounding out their college list, providing an Early Decision/Action and major strategy, completing the Common App or developing the Personal Statement. We also provide interview prep and assistance with supplemental essays as time allows within the parameters of each package. If you need to do all (or most) of the above, we strongly suggest the 15-hour package.

Boarding school, transfer, graduate school and other hourly pricing engagements are billed at $250 per hour.

2013-2023 Matriculations

U. Alabama, American U., Amherst, ASU, Auburn, Babson, Bard, Bates, Belmont, Bentley, Boston College, Boston University, Bowdoin, Brandeis, Brown, Bryn Mawr, Bucknell, CalTech, UCLA, Clemson, Colby, College of Charleston, U. Colorado, Colorado College, Columbia, Colgate, Connecticut College, UCLA, Clemson, UCONN, Cornell, Dartmouth, Davidson, Dickinson, UDel, Denison, U. Denver, Duke, Edinburgh (Scotland) Elon, Emory, U. Florida, Franklin & Marshall, Gettysburg, Georgetown, GW, Georgia Tech, Hamilton, Harvard, Haverford, Holy Cross, Indiana U., Ithaca, Johns Hopkins, Keene State, Lafayette, Lehigh, Lewis & Clark, Maine Maritime, U. Maine, Marist, UMASS, McGill, Miami U. (Ohio), U. Miami, U. Michigan, Michigan State, Middlebury, Muhlenberg, UNH, NYU, Northeastern, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Oberlin, Penn State, UPENN, U. Pittsburgh, Pitzer, Pomona, Princeton, Providence College, Purdue, Quinnipiac, Rice, U. Richmond, Rollins, U. San Diego, Santa Clara, Sewanee, Stonehill, St. Andrew's (Scotland), St. Lawrence, St Michael’s, U. South Carolina, USC, SMU, Stanford, Swarthmore, Syracuse, U. Tampa, TCU, Trinity, Tulane, Tufts, Union, Vanderbilt, Vassar, UVM, Villanova, UVA, Wake Forest, Washington U. (St. Louis), Washington & Lee, Wesleyan (CT), Wellesley, Wesleyan, Yale.

2008-2012 Acceptances

American University, Babson, Bard, Bates, Berklee, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Brown, Bowdoin, Bucknell, CalTech, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, Carnegie-Mellon, Catholic University, Chapman, U. Chicago, Clemson, Colby, Colgate, College of Charleston, Colorado College, U. Colorado-Boulder, Columbia, UCONN, Cornell, Curry, U. Delaware, Denison, DePaul, Dickinson, Drew, Drexel, Duke, Elon, Emory, Fairfield, Fordham, Franklin & Marshall, Gettysburg, George Mason, George Washington, Georgetown, Goucher, Hamilton, Harvard, Hobart & William Smith, Holy Cross, Ithaca, James Madison, Johns Hopkins, Lafayette, Lehigh, , Loyola Maryland, Loyola Marymount, U. Maine, McGill, Mary Washington, MIT, UMASS, U. Miami, Middlebury, U. Montana, UNH, The New School, UNC, Notre Dame, Northeastern, Northwestern, Notre Dame, NYU, Occidental, U. Oregon, UPENN, Pitzer, Pomona, Providence College, URI, U. Rochester, RIT, RPI, USC, U. San Diego, Santa Clara, Skidmore, St. Andrew’s (Scotland), St. Michael’s, Salve Regina, Syracuse, Trinity (CT), Trinity (Ireland), Tulane, Union, Vanderbilt, UVM, Villanova, Wake Forest, Washington U., U. Washington, Wellesley, Wesleyan, Wheaton, Yale.

Student-athletes face an exciting and challenging road to college sports. We help students decide if they want to pursue Division 1, Division 2 or Division 3 athletics and we guide them as they select travel teams, showcases and college camps. We also assist students with creating an athletic resume, contacting coaches and preparing for overnight team visits. Our partner resources include videographers and former college coaches for a variety of sports. We presently have students on college D1-D3 teams for baseball, basketball, crew, fencing, field hockey, football, golf, hockey, horseback riding, Lacrosse, sailing, skiing, soccer, softball, squash, swimming, tennis and track. Our approach is very individualized. Unlike most recruiting services, we do not blast hundreds of resumes to colleges and wait to see which respond. Instead, we target and actively pursue a defined group of colleges and coaches that are a good fit for the student. We also place students in post graduate programs at boarding schools for an additional year of growth and recruiting exposure when appropriate.
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For families wishing to pursue independent schools, we provide guidance in selecting the right day or boarding school. The size of the school, academic offerings, extra-curricular activities and personality of the student body are all important factors in choosing an environment where a student can grow intellectually and socially. We help identify the right schools, assist with applications, essays and parent statements, and we prepare the student for SSAT testing and interviews. We also work with applicants who have a variety of learning differences to find the right support services for their needs, whether it be Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, Asperger Syndrome or any other challenge..
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Students with Learning Differences and ADD/ADHD have unique needs for high school and college. At College Admission Advisors, approximately 30% of our students face some kind of learning obstacle, from Executive Function Disorder to Dyslexia and even Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. We understand that these students require special understanding in the admissions process and in finding a college that will be the right fit, academically and socially. There are special accommodations that need to be made for SAT and ACT testing, and resources that need to be secured once a student matriculates at college. Disclosing learning differences can also be an asset or a detriment in the admissions process, based on the individual circumstances surrounding each child. We work closely with students, colleges, and outside experts in the neuro-psychology field to assess each child’s situation and make the right decisions. Our goal is for every applicant to find a school or college where they can be challenged, supported and embraced.
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